Business Opportunities

As a customer your possibilities are endless; from artists that sell their artwork printed on ceramic tile, to kitchen designers that now may offer their customers a unique customized special tile backsplash, or even contractors that can offer personal touches to a bathroom remodel.  Becoming a customer is easy.  Just sign up and you are ready to place your orders.  Even though our prices are already calculated to give you the best quality for a great price, we might be able to offer you an additional wholesale discount depending on the order quantity or project size. Please contact us for more details.

 Sell custom tiles at art fairs

Art Fairs:
Present your art on a new canvas.  Art on tiles is a unique way to offer your personal artwork at art shows or markets. There are so many options to sell your art, from Tuscany tile coasters or large 12” x 12” ceramic tile slabs to multiple tile mosaics.  

 Upsale your kitchen or bathroom installation with custom printed tile

Kitchen and Bathroom Contractors:
Offer your customers something special; be a step ahead of the competition.  Custom printed tile accents or mosaics will give your customer’s new kitchen or bathroom that special, unique touch that no one else has.  Up-sell your products with our custom tile and distinguish your company from the rest.

 Sell custom printed tiles at your store

Tile or Home Improvement Stores:
Offer your customers a way to personalize their home with custom printed tiles.  You won’t believe the amount of feedback and requests you will get from placing a few custom printed tile samples in your store.  We are happy to assist you with your initial display order.  Setup your new account with now and add a fantastic new product to your range. 

 Offer custom printed tiles to your customers.

Interior Designers:
We know that you as an Interior Designer are alway searching for that new, unique something to astonish your clients. How about custom printed tile baseboards, custom printed Tuscany tile backsplashes, custom ceramic tile mosaic artwork or even complete custom printed glass shower walls.  Your possibilities are endless.

Please contact us if you need any further details. We will make every effort to respond to all inquiries within 24 business hours or sooner. For urgent matters, please contact us at (818) 915-0591, during our normal business hours from 9:00am - 5:00pm PST.